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3 Key Secrets of Website Typography

What does typography mean for website communication design

By carefully selecting fonts and establishing a clear hierarchy, you can guide users through your content seamlessly.

Typography isn't just about choosing pretty fonts; it's about conveying meaning and enhancing user experience.

Web Lagoon Blog article | Typography

Font Choice

Don't rush to use decorative display fonts to showcase uniqueness and creativity. They're justified in rare cases. In 99% of instances, a well-chosen font doesn't stand out and doesn't hinder users from understanding the intended message. First and foremost, a font is a tool for conveying meaning, a megaphone through which you speak. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a standalone visual object.


A font or combination of fonts is part of the brand's global design system. When choosing a font, we consider how it combines with the logo, color scheme, other graphic elements, and overall style. We also consider how it complements the brand's character and interacts with other style elements. The font's character can enhance or soften the brand's message, giving it momentum, seriousness, or humor, emphasizing tradition or innovation. Selecting a font is akin to choosing the tone of voice with which you address the customer.


Users typically don't read a webpage like a book or a scientific article. Therefore, ensure you can establish a strong and logical structure, emphasizing key theses with bold and readable headings. A clear and convenient hierarchy encourages users to efficiently scan the page, understand the content, and dive deeper into the material. There aren't many levels in the hierarchy, and the fewer there are, the cleaner and clearer your site's structure will be.

There are four main groups:

1. Headings

Usually, 4-5 levels suffice: page title, section headings, block headings, card headings, labels.

2. Accent

Two or three font sizes are used to highlight key ideas that logically aren't headings or main text.

3. Body

The font used for the main content in the form of paragraphs. I usually use two: regular and light.

4. Interactive

Font for buttons, menu items, text links. I group them separately to make it easier to create components and work with states (default, hover, pressed, inactive).


Typography is at the intersection of the visual and semantic aspects, and therein lies its strength and magic. Each aspect reinforces the other, collectively working to effectively deliver your message to the consumer.

So, savor this experience!